Tuesday 9 August 2011

Internship Adventures!

Hey All!  Sorry I have not been able to blog for a little while.  With tons of school work including time-consuming research papers, desperately looking for a part time job, and interning...I have been pretty busy, to say the least!  Above is a photo I took one morning on my way to my internship.  I realize it is a bit hard to see, but it was just very sunny, so that is the best I could take.

I intern at Greta Donaldson Publicity, which is a publicity firm in South Melbourne.  It is pretty much in the city, (only a couple of blocks south), but South Melbourne has a bit of a different vibe to it, in that it is a bit more "hipster", fashion forward, and free spirited, than the corporate work environment that Melbourne has.  It is full of cute shops, and a great market on Wednesday & Friday-Sunday, with flowers, cheap shops, and great produce and food, for way less than you would pay at the grocery store.  The market happens to be one street over from where I work, which is pretty convenient! 

Okay, now onto my internship.  I was very lucky to be placed in this program.  Greta Donaldson Publicity is a firm that does PR for a lot of different organizations.  There is never a dull moment, and there is always a new project, or work to be done.  Greta (the owner obviously) started up a business on the side, called Prospect 360, which puts on seminars, allowing students to go and talk with well known professionals in their field, and network.  Since networking is so important these days, I think it is a really great, and helpful, idea!  I know I am enjoying the benefits of working at these events, because it allows me to get to know a wide variety of people in the field of Public Relations, which will really help me in the future!  To check out both GDPublicity and Prospect 360 here are the links: http://www.gdpublicity.com.au/http://www.prospect360.com.au/.  I am currently working on a project for Prospect 360.  We are putting on a Fashion and Media Seminar later this month, and my job is to work on planning the event, as well as get the word out there about the event.  It is pretty fun, and yesterday I got to go to the Whitehouse Institute of Fashion & Interior Design, to book the venue. It is pretty neat, and has a very modern feel to it. Above is a photo of the lobby in the Whitehouse Institute. 

I went to the institute with my co-worker Jo.  She is really cool, and we have a nice time working together.  We had to wait a bit to talk with the Director of Events, so we had some fun taking pictures of this interesting place.  I would have taken more, but the receptionist probably already thought I was weird!  I'll be sure to take some photos of this place when the seminar actually happens, as it will be in the same building.  It is really neat and interesting, however, in the lobby there are the most uncomfortable "chairs" EVER!  Modernism DOES NOT equal comfort I guess!

Finally, I want to express how grateful I am for this opportunity to intern for Greta.  I will learn so much working for her, and she really allows me to fully be a part of everything.  Sometimes internships are full of mindless busy work, and running errands for people.  That is not the case for me, I am so lucky to be doing an internship that will actually help me in the future!  I am learning, and will continue to learn, so much in Public Relations.  I have to wake up at 5am to commute to South Melbourne, in order to get ready and be there before 9am.  I leave work around 6pm, and get home at 7:30pm.  It is a long day, but it is totally worth the experience!  Plus, I only have to make the trip once or twice a week, so it's really not bad at all.  This is a picture of my walk to the tram station at night.  Seeing beautiful things like this, everyday, makes me feel like the luckiest gal in the whole-wide-world! 


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