Tuesday 2 August 2011

Meet My Roommate Erika!

This is my amazing roommate Erika.  When coming to a foreign country, with no friends, being thrown into a new culture, and knowing you are going to share a bedroom with a person you have never met before, you become a little worried.  It is sort of like being in a dorm, freshman year of Uni.  I have had my fare share of experiences with roommates, and to be honest, I did not know what to expect.  But what I got, was much better than I could have ever imagined!  Erika and I get along extremely well, and she is one of the kindest people I've ever gotten the pleasure of getting to know.  

Erika is a gorgeous gal from Sweden.  She speaks amazing English, as well as a few other languages, including Italian and Spanish.  Coming from America, I really noticed that we are lacking in the bilingual department.  Almost all the people I meet from other countries, not only are bilingual, but usually speak 3 or 4 languages.  It's a great thing to be able to speak more than one language, I know I sure wish I could speak my second language (Spanish) better than I currently can!  Erika is teaching me some Swedish, but it is a very hard language to learn and speak!  Also, people from other countries generally are more cultured, in that, they travel and spend large amounts of time in other countries.  I know that is a goal of mine...I want to travel the world.  Erika has been to many places, including Spain and Italy.  We can relate in this way, because I have been to Spain as well, and I REALLY would like to spend some time traveling through Italy, at some point in the future.  Erika and I plan to travel around Australia for a while after the semester ends.  It will be a blast, because we are similar, in that, we love to see new places, experience beautiful sights, and try new things!

It took no time at all for Erika and I to become great friends, and in 4 short weeks we have become completely comfortable around each other.  She puts up with my craziness, goofiness, and my obnoxious cleaning habits.  She is one of the most patient people I know.  It suits her that she is studying to be a nurse, because she is extremely nurturing, and always sees the positives in life.  We have so much fun together, and we laugh with each other all the time!  I feel blessed to know and live with Erika, because she is the type of person, that makes me feel like a better person, for knowing her.  I am learning new things from her everyday.  She is upbeat, and optimistic.  We enjoy sharing our music with each other, and have found we have very similar taste in music!  I love some of the Swedish artists she introduced me to.  We also found that we have something else in common...we both LOVE horses!  Erika has been riding her whole life, and we plan to set up a day trip, to go riding somewhere here in Melbourne, or nearby.  They have really cool activities, like riding on the beach or through a winery.  It will be something that we both will have fun doing! 

 She has also introduce me to 2 other Swedish girls name Jenny and Anna (Jenny is on the left, and Anna is on the right).  They live next door, and are extremely nice as well. We have started to all spend time together, and I'm really enjoying getting to know everyone!  We recently went out for $4.00 pizzas together for Anna's birthday.  Then Jenny had her birthday, just this past Monday, but unfortunately, I had too much homework to go out for it.   Yesterday we went shopping, and I showed them Chadstone Shopping Centre.  It is this GIGANTIC mall, with so many places to buy amazing clothes!!  There is a range of stores, from high end like Prada and Gucci, to more affordable stores that we can shop at.  And let me tell you, fashion and shopping here in OZ is fantastic!! 

Erika and I had fun with photo booth one day, as you can see in the photo above :)  I am so happy I have such an amazing roommate.  To be this lucky, really shows me that there are genuine and kind hearted people out there.  Sometimes I wonder how there could be such evil people in the world, but meeting and getting to know someone like Erika, overpowers the bad people out there.  She is a gorgeous human being, inside and out!! I am so unbelievably lucky to be on this journey in my life, and even more lucky to be on it with such a phenomenal person, as Erika is just that...a phenomenal gal!

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome. I've never been over seas before. You are extremely lucky! I have been to Canada, but we all know that doesn't really count haha but I know what your talking about with the fashion being amazing in different countries. I know in Toronto, Canada, when I went, everyone in the city wore the most experimental and personality driven clothes. It was really inspiring. I also dated a girl from Sydney and she told me how fashion was quite different in other countries. I need to travel the world too. I'm sure its changing your life for the better. It already has. You met Erika.
