Sunday 25 September 2011

Back From Holiday and Finally Blogging! -- Byron Bay --

Hello to all my family and friends!!  I recently just went on holiday, because my school had a mid semester break...pretty much spring break.  Me and 6 other gals decided to take advantage of this break, and head to the East coast of Australia, to soak up some sun, and enjoy some Aussie adventures.  Our first stop was Byron Bay.  It is about one hour from the Gold Coast.  We flew into the small and charming Gold Coast airport, and took a shuttle into the lovely town of Byron Bay.

Byron is a very small town with a hippie/surfers feel to it.  Lots of people walk around town barefoot, and everyone is nice, carefree, and enjoying the beauty around them.  The beach was beautiful, the sand was so soft it made a funny noise when we walked on it.  It was GORGEOUS weather everyday, and we enjoyed laying by the beach every day.  The hostel we stayed at was extremely nice.  It was called the Backpackers Inn Byron Bay.  If anyone ever visits Byron, I'd recommend this hostel!  The beach was right in the backyard of the hostel, and the walk into town was about 2 minutes.  It was perfect! 

My friend Laura and I went jogging every morning to run off all the great food we ate.  One day, we decided to venture to the light house.  It is a main focal point in Byron Bay, and was more gorgeous than I imagined it would be, when we got to the top.  Not to mention, it was a great workout!  We stood up there, took in the calm and quiet beauty looking over all of Byron.   

Finally, I spent my 22nd birthday in Byron.  It was lovely and in the morning, me and two of the other gals on the trip, Jodi and Lisa, went skydiving.  I will blog about my skydiving adventures next time (hopefully tomorrow!).  Then, we soaked up some sun on the beach, showered, and went out for a lovely dinner!  My birthday was a very nice time, and I was just so lucky to spend it in GORGEOUS Australia! I literally would look around me, take in all the beauty, and ask this really happening? Is this really my life?  And think, I'm the luckiest girl in the world!!

Bon Voyage -- Until Next Time :)

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