Saturday 3 September 2011

And I Finally Have Internet!! -Day in Da Big Citayyy-

Blogging would definitely be easier if I had better internet.  Unfortunately, Australia is a light year behind the U.S. in internet services, which leaves my house with very slow, or not working internet.  We got it worked out today though, and have a new router, so I should be able to blog more, so that everyone can keep up with what I'm up to here in OZ, more frequently.  

The weather is getting absolutely GORGEOUS in Melbourne, and everyone is out and about, and soaking it all up!  It's sunny pretty much everyday, and the temperature is perfect.  Some of my lovely girlfriends and I decided to take advantage of the weather by getting out and exploring some of the beauty Melbourne has to offer.  We went to the Royal Botanic Gardens which are indeed beautiful, but will be even more gorgeous as the weather gets nicer and nicer.  We are in the middle of spring, and heading into summer shortly.  Spring to summer has always been one of my favorite times of the year.  Getting to enjoy it in Australia is amazing!  There were some beautiful things to see, and the company was wonderful. 

The Botanic Gardens were not far away from the city, so after we were done playing around there, we walked to the city.  In Federation Square, there is a lot to do.  It is right on the river, and features unique and modern buildings, in the heart of Melbourne.  There was a big screen telly on the side of a building, which featured a Footie game...pretty awesome!  We decided to explore ACMI (Australian Center for the Moving Image).  There was lots to see, involving the evolution of film.  ACMI included interactive activities, and I even have a splice of myself in a capsule that makes it seem like you are in 'The Matrix'.  It puts your movement into slow motion.  It is so interesting to see how far film has come, and just what they can do these days.  The possibilities are truly endless!

Finally, the gals and I went out to lunch before calling it a day and heading home.  Erika and I are roommates, she is the blond in the first photo. Amy is the brunette next to Erika, and lives down the road.  Malin and I met on our orientation trip, she is the girl next to me in the photo below Erika and Amy.  Malin, Erika, and I will be traveling together after school is out, which is sure to bring a lot of great memories and, of course, blogs!  Melbourne is gorgeous, and I can't wait to see the beauty around the rest of Australia.  Life continues to be amazing, and I am enjoying every minute of my time here in OZ!


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