Wednesday 26 October 2011

After Travels: The Gold Coast

Riding the tram to the airport with all of our luggage.

The Gold Coast...Surfers Paradise is in the far background :)

Hello to all you lovely people reading my blog!!  I am FINALLY finished with school, and have started traveling with an amazing group of people.  After fitting everything I own into a very small suitcase, Malin, Sandra, Erika, and I headed to the Gold Coast to meet up with Malin's boyfriend Anders, and begin our adventure!


The view from the top of the mountain.

Me, Sandra, and Erika post-hike.

After a good nights rest at Ander's friends house, we set off early in the morning to explore and go on a wonderful hike, with a spectacular view! The hike took about 4.5-5 hours, but was well worth it.  We all got some nice exercise, and enjoyed the fresh outdoors.

Sandra making here way to the top.

The steep climb

The last part of the hike was more of a climb than a hike.  But just wait for the next couple blogs to witness a REAL climb...

Until then, all the best to everyone!  I love and miss you all!

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