Sunday 2 October 2011

Part 2 of Holiday: Surfers Paradise

The second part of our trip, we went to Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast.  Surfers is a big tourist attraction in Australia, and there is lots to do and see there!  Sometimes it gets a bad name by native Aussie's, because of it's tourist appeal; but if you are a tourist in definitely need to check out Surfers Paradise!  It has a cool feel, the weather is perfection, and it is up-beat and never boring!

The Gals and I getting at the entrance.

A little bit of a view from a different ride.

Believe it or not, crocodiles here actually get that big!

The snake just slithering along...

Me and the lovely group of gals I traveled with on this trip decided to head to an amusement park one day.  The amusement park was called 'Dream World'.  It was not as thrilling as Six Flags Great America, or Cedar Point in Ohio, but it was fun for the day!  There are lots of places to go like this, such as a huge water park and a movie themed park, sort of like Universal Studios in Orlando.  Australia's theme parks may not be as grand as the ones in the U.S., however, you may get to see Aussie wild life roaming we saw a wild (and vennemous) snake slithering along in Dream World!

The beach, and city in the background.

The small town area with all the shops.

Me and Veronica in a nice chair, in the middle of the shopping area.

Neat benches along the beach walk.

For the rest of the time, we enjoyed relaxing and lying out on the beach and at the pool.  The hostel we stayed in was actually pretty nice.  It was attached to a hotel, and was the old part of the hotel that they turned into a hostel.  There was a nice pool and spa area, along with a bar and game area.  It was quite nice, and we enjoyed the pool and hot tub almost everyday/night.  The beach was lovely, and the weather was perfect the entire time we were in Surfers.  Right off the beach, was the main tourist attraction, with shops, cafes, bars, and nightclubs.  It was the main place to walk around, get souvenirs, and have a nice, refreshing, cocktail.  

Jumping for joy...because I was in PARADISE!

Me and the gals posing of a nice photo on the beach :)

Me and Jodi, on the beach walk while the sun was going down.

This trip was phenomenal, and I could not have asked for a better spring break.  Almost every morning my and my friend Laura woke up and took a nice long run along the beach walk, which stretched as far as the eye could see, along the beach.  It was so quiet and lovely in the morning, and I will never forget those moments.  Taking it all in while running along the beach with a good friend, was definitely a high point in the trip.  Also, I got a pretty nice tan, so that never hurts!  

For now, I am just finishing up with school, then I will bet getting out of Melbourne, for about a month and a half of traveling adventures through Australia.  I cannot wait to be finished with school!!  Going on a short trip, has made me catch the travel bug, and I cannot wait to see what's out there in Australia!  

But for now...On to studying for final exams.

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