Wednesday 26 October 2011

After Travels: Brisbane

Sandra, Erika, Me, and Malin on the bridge over looking the river.

We recently went to take a tour through the city of Brisbane.  Brisbane is not too large, but it has some charm to it.  There was a cute shopping center, and some pretty sites to see.  We spent most of the day here, and had a fun time.  The weather was perfect, sunny, 80, with a nice breeze. :)

View of the river.

Sandra and Malin

Malin in a fancy Halloween mask.

The shopping area.

We had a wonderful time, but Brisbane is quite small, so one day was plenty of time to spend there! After seeing the city, we went to a looking point that overlooked the entire city.  We took a small hike, and enjoyed a popsicle at the end of the day!  It was a perfect treat!

Me looking out at Brisbane

Malin getting a view from a nice telescope.

The view

Until next time, enjoy and cheers mates!

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