Thursday 14 July 2011

And so...Classes Begin!

Hey All!  This week has been an extremely busy week for me, but it has been a pleasant experience overall!  I attend Deakin University, here in Australia, and classes started up this week.  Campus was full of people, and there have been a lot of start up activities to sign up for. 

The campus is amazing.  I love it because it is completely opposite than Purdue University, which is the university I attend in the States.  It has a very modern feel to it, and each building is unique. The first and last photo, is the most distinct building on campus.  It is a tall and uniquely shaped building.  It sayings 'Deakin' at the top, but you can't see it from the angles that I took these photos at...I apologize! Pretty much everyone can see this building from the road, and it is cool to see in person.  The others are just random photos, so you all can get a feel of what the campus looks like.  I absolutely love it!


Also, all the students here dress nicely and get ready for school.  I love it!  Again, this is different than Purdue, where a lot of the students roll out of bed, and wear sweats to school everyday.  Everyone on campus has been extremely nice and helpful so far.  The Aussie's in general are a very kind bread of people.  They take their time to help answer questions that anyone might have.  I am taking 3 classes on campus and also doing an internship for class credit.  I have found that there are a lot of clubs and activities to sign up for on campus as well.  There is even Zombi's and Humans, which is the top photo, which I tried to take as sneaky as I could.  I thought they only had this silly game at Purdue, but come to find's global!  The next photo is just a picture of the main walk through campus.  Its really great, and the entire campus is kept up nicely, and extremely clean.  It is well organized, and each building has a letter and not a name.  That makes it easy to look up where classes are.  Not a lot of people litter here in Australia, and smoking cigarettes is very looked down upon, which I think is lovely!

One thing that is definitely not looked down upon here in OZ, is relaxing and grabbing a cocktail!  This is probably why there is, conveniently, a bar in the middle of campus, called Einsteins! It has different events, like Monday night was a 'White Party', which was an opening party to get students together.  Everyone had to wear white to the party.  I didn't attend, as I went into Melbourne that day to scope out some good shopping.  There will be many more events though, and I guess it is a good spot to hang out at on Tuesdays and Thursdays, because drinks are cheeper!

Classes seem like they are going to be easier here than back in the U.S.  Lectures are not mandatory because they are always posted online, and tutorials (the smaller classes explaining what happened in lecture) are great because you get to ask questions about material, and work on assessments.  For the most part, there are only 2 big assessments in each class. It's like you take one big midterm, and one big final, and that's it!  It's very different than Purdue, but I needed a change!  I am really enjoying school so far, and have met some nice people in my classes.  Australia is still proving to be an OUTSTANDING place, and it sure is keeping me busy!

Thanks for reading, and I'll be posing again soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow it sounds like you're having an amazing time already! The campus looks so pretty! And I'm totally jealous of your surfing lessons from your earlier blog. :p I've always wanted to try that. I hope that your first week of classes isn't too bad for ya!
