Sunday 10 July 2011

The First Week in Australia.

I've decided to blog about my study abroad experience, so friends and family can keep up with me, while I am half way around the world!  I'm from the midwest, I was born on the Southside of Chicago, and now attend Purdue University.  I've decided to spend the first semester of my final year in college in beautiful Melbourne Australia.  I arrive here, after traveling a long 28 hours (including lay overs), in Melbourne, and it's been busy busy busy ever since.

I am living in student housing that is not directly on campus, but only about a 5 minute walk to the university, which is Deakin University.  If anyone is ever traveling abroad, this housing is not bad, but it is a bit expensive.  Here is the link: if anyone is interested.  The landlords are nice, and there are a ton of students living in the houses, which makes it nice to meet people.  Oh, and speaking of expensive...pretty much everything here in Australia is EXTREMELY expensive, so if you plan to travel here, suck it up, and expect to pay a lot.  It's all been worth it so far though!

I want on a beach welcome trip, that Deakin University set up for all the exchange students.  It was a blast! We all loaded 2 big buses, and headed southeast to the city of Lorne, along the Great Ocean Road.  If anyone comes to Melbourne, or southern Australia, I would highly recommend this spot.  Lorne is a small charming beach front town.  This is a picture I took from the pier.  The cute town is full of shops, and small restaurants where you can get anything from a delicious coffee, to fish and chips.  I stayed at the Erskine River Backpackers lodge while I was there.  It had rooms full of bunk beds, and held a lot of people.  If anyone is looking for a place to stay for a night of 2, I'd highly recommend it.  It isn't expensive, and it is super clean!

While in Lorne, my fellow students and I did a number of activities.  We embarked in surfing lessons, participated in yoga, and enjoyed activities like hiking, biking, and kayaking.  He are some pictures of what I experienced.  The first was right before I went surfing, by the way, body suits are magical and they really work!! I was warm the entire time. Hands down, surfing was the best activity of this trip!  I can't wait to do it again! the second is just a picture I took from the beach, I can't explain the beauty, and the picture doesn't really do it justice.  The third is a photo I took while hiking.  The landscape here in Australia is gorgeous, with all different types.  The landscape here had a lot of lush green plants, and waterfalls. Lorne was a beautiful place, almost like out of a story book!

We stayed in Lorne for a short 2 nights, and then headed on a tour of Great Ocean Road, stopping along the way to sight see.  We saw wild koalas and parrots, I only have a good picture of the parrots unfortunately.  We also hiked through the rain forest, the next picture is me and some of my new friends in an enormous tree.  These were everywhere, but this particular tree had a nice shape.  Finally we went to see the 12 Apostles.  They are HUGE rock forms in the ocean.  Loch and Gorge is right around the corner from the 12 Apostles.  And the final photo is just a pretty view.  There are so many gorgeous views from the Great Ocean Road, I can't explain how massive and gorgeous this place is.

Finally, we got back to campus.  I think I forgot to mention, my campus is actually in Burwood.  It is right outside Melbourne.  I really like the location, because the city and the beach are only a short tram ride away.  The public transportation has been very easy to figure out as well.  I have only been in Australia 10 days, but it's has been a joyful ride, every minute of those 10 days.  If anyone is thinking of visiting Australia...JUST DO IT!  Forget about the long plane ride, and the jet lag.  Save up some cash, travel down under, and kick back with the Aussie's Mate!

Cheers until next time!

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